Saburo Muraoka
list of works

Ground floor

Rate of Oscillation - Rectangular Parallelepiped
steel, heat, salt, speaker, sound, etc 770~366~130 cm
Sound source : The Oscillation (sound) recoreded during the process of breaking up the rectangular parallelepiped.. It is returned to the body here.


Void - Volume of Oscillation 2001
steel, heat, wax 411~60~h.50 cm

Sealing Value 2001
paper, wax, glass 50.3~65.2 cm

Void - Value 2001.3.17
mixed media on paper 49~64 cm

Void - Value 2001.3.20
mixed media on paper 49~64 cm

Void - Value 2001.3.21
mixed media on paper 49~64 cm

Void - Vanishing Point 2001
Chinese ink, sulfur, glass 55~69 cm